How To: Vocal Chop Technique with VOCALOID4 CYBER DIVA [2/3]
Josh Bess demonstrates how to create a popular vocal chop technique, useful for any genre of music, with VOCALOID4 CYBER DIVA (Part 2 of 3)
[> Part 1/3 is here] [> Part 3/3 is here]
* This VSQX file is compatible with the VOCALOID4 Editor for your computer, or the VOCALOID4 Editor in Cubase.
Please use this file with one of these editors installed on your computer.
Since the old version of the VOCALOID Editor and Mobile VOCALOID Editor do not correspond to some of the parameters used in this VSQX file, the effects will not work properly.
* In this VSQX file, the singer was originally set to CYBER DIVA. Although, if you import this VSQX file into the VOCALOID4 Editor, without CYBER DIVA installed, another singer will be used. If the correct singer has not been automatically chosen, please change your singer settings manually.
You can purchase the downloadable version of VOCALOID products used in this article with VOCALOID SHOP.
If you do not already have the VOCALOID product used in this article, you can purchase the downloadable version as soon as you click on the banner image below.
This is a software to edit VOCALOID singing voice. You must use with VOCALOID3 or VOCALOID4 Voice Banks.
See product detailsA basically VOCALOID4 English Female Voice Bank. A database of actual female natural American English singing voice.
See product detailsIn this video we used the above VOCALOID products, but you can make similar sounds in the same way as this video even with other VOCALOID4 English Voice Banks
* You can also use VOCALOID4 Editor.
about Josh Bess
Josh Bess is an Amazon Books Top Selling author in the music category with his book, Electronic Dance Music Grooves published with Hal Leonard Publishing.
Josh has music production, composition, and artist credits with Disney, Nickelodeon, MTV, Tokyo Fashion Week, Amazon Fashion Week, and more, along with original music releases with underground electronic music labels, such as Bosphorus Underground Recordings and Naschkatze Underground Recordings.
Josh is the founder and head producer of the educational music publishing brand, benben, located in Tokyo, Japan.