
New Product “VOCALOID6 Voicebank AI Yuzuki Yukari” now on sale

We are pleased to announce that VOCALOID6 Voicebank "AI Yuzuki Yukari" will be available from today.

Official Song

Product Description

VOCALOID6 Voicebank AI Yuzuki Yukari is the virtual vocal software featuring the relaxed tone of voice with a nice luster (CV: Ishiguro Chihiro). This voicebank is specifically for VOCALOID6 and optimized for VOCALOID AI technology. While succeeding to Yuzuki Yukari's voice so far, VOCALOID AI technology can make her sing with richer and wider variations, from human-like realistic vocal tone to futuristic robot voice.

This product includes VOCALOID6 Editor Lite*, so you can enjoy creating singing voices just by purchasing this product.
*VOCALOID6 Editor Lite is a limited version of VOCALOID6 Editor. It can only be used in standalone mode and can be used with a maximum of 2 tracks (VOCALOID:AI track or VOCALOID track, and Audio Track).

It is downloadable from this official VOCALOID SHOP.
*Voicebank products cannot be used stand-alone; separate editor software such as the VOCALOID6 Version 6.3.0 or higher / VOCALOID6 Editor Lite is required.