Is there any limitation on the functionality of the software before it is activated?
No, there is no functional limitation. However, both VOCALOID4 Editor and Voice Banks have a 14-day grace period for activation, which starts on the day when the software or Voice Bank is installed. You need to activate the software or Voice Bank within this period.
I have installed the software successfully, but I do not know how to activate it.
On your computer, select the "Start" menu, and then click "All programs". Find and click the "VOCALOID4" folder, click "Activate4" to open the form for activation. Then, enter the serial code for your product.
From where can I download the updater for VOCALOID4 Editor?
If you have Internet access, when you start VOCALOID4 Editor, a dialog box appears prompting you to update your software if a newer version of the updater for your editor is available. Follow the instructions in the dialog box to download the updater. Even if you accidentally close the dialog box, you can view and download the updater at the website
Can I install the release version even with the trial version installed?
No, installation of the release version might not be possible if the trial version is still installed in the same environment. Uninstall the trial version before installing the release version.
No printed manual is included with the product.
VOCALOID4 Editor comes with only an electronic user manual (in PDF format). No printed manual is included with the software. To view the user manual, use the "Start" menu in Windows to select "User Manual", or start VOCALOID4 Editor, select the "Help" menu, and then select "User Manual".
When I edit control parameters, the effect of the pencil tool or line tool extends to the end of a song. Can I change this behavior?
Go to "Settings" -> "Preferences" and select the "VOCALOID Sequence" tab. In the "Control Parameters" section, select the "Draw control params like V2" check box.
I want to transpose the entire part.
You can select all notes in the part by pressing the [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [A] keys simultaneously. Then, use the mouse or the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to transpose the part as you like.
I want to add a new track to create harmonies, but I cannot enter any notes.
When you add a track manually, a part is not generated automatically. Use the pencil tool to add a part to the measure in which you want to create a harmony, and then enter notes.
I want to change the master tuning.
Under the "Settings" menu, select "Preferences", and then on the "Other Settings" tab, change the value for "Master Tune". (Settings: 415.3 to 466.2 Hz)
I want to insert breaths.
For VOCALOID4 Voice Banks, the installation DVD might contain breath files in its WAV folder. Use a drag-and-drop operation to paste a breath file on a WAV (MONO) track, or under the "File" menu, select "Import", and then "Wave (W)". Note that some Voice Banks might not contain breath files. If you have any questions, contact the distributor of your Voice Bank.