I want to edit control parameters manually, instead of using a pencil tool.
Unfortunately, there is no number input supported to modify control parameters. Please use pencil/line tool.
I want to modify control parameters like Gender Factor and others.
You can do so in Musical Editor Window. Please refer to user's manual Step 8: Control Parameter Addition.
I want to copy whole track.
Right click on the track name display and choose "copy" from context menu. To paste it, right click on the same place and choose "paste".
I want to transpose the entire part.
Pressing [Ctrl+Shift+A] simultaneously enables you to select all notes in the part. Then, use a mouse or keyboard (up and down cursor key) to transpose at your will.
I can't enter any note on added track to create a choir of the main melody.
When the track is added manually, the part is not automatically created. Please create a new one before entering notes.
I want to change the master tuning.
In VOCALOID3 Editor, the reference tone tuning is set to 440Hz and cannot be changed. VOCALOID4 Editor and VOCALOID4 Editor for Cubase have a function that allows you to change the master tuning. VOCALOID4 Editor VOCALOID4 Editor for Cubase
I want to insert a breath sound.
For some Voice Bank, there are WAV folder in the installation DVD as the sample breath file. Drag and drop the file onto [WAV(MONO)] track, or choose [Wave(W)] in [File] → [Import] menu. Please note that some Voice Bank doesn't contain breath file. Please contact the distributor of the Voice Bank regarding this matter for the inquiry.
I want to change the singer inside the song.
Singer can be appointed and changed per each part. To change a singer, select the part you wish to change and choose [Part] → [Properties] → [Singer] to change the Voice Bank. - It can also be done by right clicking while the part is selected and choosing "Singer" from the context menu.
I want to export WAV file of only selected area.
You can select the are you wish to export as WAV file using the start pointer and end pointer. You can see these pointers on the ruler of both track editor and musical editor by clicking [Start Marker] and [End Marker] from "Transport Tool Bar". Then, adjust the location of these pointer so that you will be able to assign the area of the export. This can also be done by long pressing the left button of the mouse at the top green bar (the area above the ruler) which changes the cursor to the grab mode (you will see a hand grabbing something), and then drag & drop to adjust the location of the pointer.
I want to export WAV file of finished work and/or VOCALOID part only.
You can export your file in WAV file format with your VOCALOID3 Editor or Tiny VOCALOID3 Editor. Please refer to user's manual "Exporting WAV file (wave)" for details. And, please choose [44100Hz/16bit/Stereo] to export your work when you plan to create audio CD.